Patterns and practice in Chinese medecine

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Ref. : K010
Zhao Jingyi / Li Xuemei
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58,84 € Excl. Impostos

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Eastland Press, Seattle 1998
This book is a clinically oriented presentation of differential diagnosis and treatment in traditional Chinese medicine.
This volume consists of eight series of case studies (40 in all), each focusing on a variety of patterns associated with a common clinical disorder: asthma, facial disorders, poor appetite, abdominal and epigastric pain, abnormal bowel movements, abnormal urination, constraint disorders, hypochondrial and intercostal pain.
Each case provides a systematic analysis of the patient's presentation, from the cause and site of the disorder to the underlying theory of the case. The pathogenesis, pattern of disease, treatment principle, and modalities of treatment (including both herbs and acupuncture) are described in illuminating details. The authors, themselves both clinicians, then pose a number of questions that are likely to confront the practitioner.


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