Chinese medicinal wines and elixirs

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Ref. : K201
Bob Flaws
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20,90 € Excl. Impostos

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Revised edition
Alcohol is a powerful substance. In the body and in small amounts, it can supplement and move the qi and blood, scatter cold, and vitalize the spirit. In large amounts, of course, alcohol is injurious to body and mind. For over two thousand years, in Chinese medicine, alcohol has been mixed with a large variety of medicinal substances to make medicinal wines and liqueurs. These medicinal wines are especially useful for the treatments of traumatic injuries, bi syndrome, and debility in the aged. However, they can also be used for a host of other problems.
This book contains the ingredients, method of preparation and administration, indications, and contradictions of over 200 authentic Chinese medicinal wines. Translated from both premodern and contemporary Chinese sources, this book is the largest and most complete of this subject in English.


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